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Buy Property In Denmark

Do you want to buy property in Denmark?
Whole package only 529 EUR

You only have to pay our services if your purchase of property wil be 100% complete

There are many rules that must be met when you want to buy property in Denmark. It can therefore cost you very dearly if you do not seek the right legal advice before starting the process. We know all the legal rules, so feel free to contact us very early in the process to help you in the best way. 

We help home buyers to find and buy a home throughout the country.

At Consult Property, we can help you in all phases of a property transaction. It is really important that you already get hold of us in the initial phase, when you start looking at the home. We can also help you find the home of your dreams - and you only pay us if you end up signing a contract for a home we have found for you. We can help you find your dream home throughout the country. We screen the entire housing market and have a dialogue with the Estate Agent in an attempt to find exactly your dream home. 

Once you have found your dream home, we can help you with the legal process for completing the property transaction. A real estate transaction can be both very demanding and cost you dearly if you do not choose a skilled adviser to look after your interested parties as a buyer. The estate agent may only advise the seller, and therefore you stand on the buyer at a complete disadvantage if you do not choose a skilled buyer's adviser to look after your interested parties as buyers in the real estate trade. That's why you should choose Consult Property.

At Consult Property we have different advisory packages that you can choose from - We certainly have an advisory package that fits your needs and wishes exactly. 

Write us at info@consultproperty.dk or feel free to call us. We are answering all emails within few hours. 

Call us today at 71991430